Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello.... Advice Please!

Hello! Thank you to all who left such lovely messages on my last post. They were so nice to receive!

Life has been CRAZY! Little babes are so much work, but my word, they are worth it. Our bub has been growing so much! She turned 6 weeks old on tuesday. She's gained nearly a kilo since birth, has started to smile, lifts and turns her head... she does so much!

I've had a bugger of a time getting breastfeeding going, but now it is under control. I was so despondent when it looked like it wasn't going to work out - I've battled grazed nipples, mastitis, and a little bub who has a 'barracuda' style of feeding - but all has come good now and we're on track. Phew.

I also finally feel like I have energy for a few extra-curricular pursuits, so, you guessed it, sewing is on my mind!! I'm slooowly working on Michael's b'day shirt (now over a month late), but I want to sew something for myself to wear. So - your advice please!

I have some of this lovely viscose knit from Tessuti - this is the only image I can find with the fabric (hope it's okay that I'm using this pic Tessuti ladies!):

It is a lovely blue colour, with silver lines shot through it. It is 176cm wide, and I have 2m. It is really cool fabric. What should I make? I need it to be breastfeeding compatible. Any ideas? I originally thought of Tessuti's Fave Top pattern, but am unsure now. I'd love some suggestions!

I hope you're all doing well - I'll post some pics of Michael's shirt soon - have still got to do the buttonholes, buttons, sleeve hems, and shirt hem. And I've got to go slow, as my sleep-deprived brain is not as sharp as it used to be!