Some time ago, my sister travelled to Thailand and brought me back 4m of some lovely fabric (thank you small sister!). I was going to make it into a 50's party dress, but it wasn't the right drape and handle. So I decided to make a flowy maxi dress.
I used Vogue 8380, which I have used before (my skull dress for Christmas day was made from this pattern). I altered it by lengthening it to be floor-length and using a contrasting black grosgrain ribbon as the ties. I also included a few more gathers for the skirt, to make it more full. See how it picks up in the wind?
This dress is nice to wear. It is a relatively simple design, so it allows my pretty Thai fabric to speak up. A shot from the back:
Boo-dogg likes this dress too. I wore it to a comedy show about two weeks ago, and she kept going underneath my skirt. She really is very cute:
I will be out of action for a while. A very rude person barged into me from behind when I was getting off the tram at work this morning. I was carrying a rather heavy bag, and sort of twisted when this person ran into me, then sort of fell off the tram. I felt a bad pain go through my neck and shoulder, and then couldn't stand the weight of my bag. I went into my office, took off my suit jacket, and went into the conference room to try and do a few stretches. No can do.
I rang my osteopath begging for an appointment, and got in for 9.30am. Someone from my office had to drive me. The osteo says I have sprained my neck and shoulder, and has written me a certificate for 3 days!! I am devastated. I've only been at my work for 10 weeks, and have had 2 colds and now this. I really hope they are not seeing me as some sort of sickly individual who was not a good hire.
So, lots of ice, anti inflammatories and rest. Not my idea of fun.