Sunday, January 5, 2014

Gettin' My Printerama On: Suzy & Hemlock

This year for Christmas, my mum took me fabric shopping. She gave me some cash and let me loose in Tessuti. Mum, I love you. Michael and I are trying very hard to be more savings-oriented, as we want to renovate our house in the near future, starting with removing the revolting cladding the owners had put on in the 1970s. Underneath is a beautiful weatherboard 1920s Californian Bungalow. Apparently the owners (they owned it since it was built in 1927) had grown older and didn't want to paint the weatherboard. It kinda worked for us as we paid about $50k less due to the undesirable (and asbestos-filled) cladding. So we want to start by removing it - this will cost a pretty penny ($5-10k) due to it being asbestos, and therefore not something we will do ourselves.

Anyway, that was a long-winded way of saying that my fabric budget is much, much less than usual. So being given free reign (within reason of course!) at Tessuti was bliss.

I bought lovely things, but the pieces I was most itching to sew was a viscose twill called 'Printerama' and a black jersey called 'Black Orbit'. I can't find either on their website. I decided to sew more Suzy Pants and a sleeveless version of Grainline's Hemlock Tee.

The pants were sewn up according to my last pair in silk crepe de chine. I sewed a size small, had a few minor adjustments and et voila! I have a pair of pants that I adore. I sewed them up last week and have worn them three times already. The viscose twill was lovely to sew - Tessuti, if you're reading this, can we please have more?

Now onto the Hemlock.  I had quite a few fitting issues with the Hemlock. When I sewed up the shoulder and side seams and popped it on to check the fit, the shoulder seams curved up to my neck and created the weirdest extra bits of fabric scoops. I had to straighten them out a lot. Weird huh? I haven't read about anyone else having this issue - have you?

Despite a bit of annoying fitting for the tee, I really love this combo. And I love how it goes with my yellow Elk shoes (most comfy shoes on the planet - since buying them about 6 months ago, I would estimate I wear them 3-5 times a week). My mum also got me the Elk necklace I'm wearing. Thanks Mum!

This is my last week of holidays, and I'm going to start looking at my Chanel-inspired jacket. Mum also bought me the fabric for that. To say I'm extremely excited (and slightly apprehensive) is an understatement! What are you sewing at the moment?